An introduction to PR

October 6, 2022

During the last week of September, brand partners were invited to participate in a free webinar hosted by Fiona Fraser, Director of Contentment PR & Communications.

There was considerable interest in the session, and over the hour long live video, around 30 brand partners were introduced to the basics of positive public relations, learned how it interacts with marketing, how to identify good stories for business, as well as how to get a journalist’s attention.

We also tuned in and found the webinar really interesting, particularly the case study on Campaign for Wool NZ, and how Fiona has worked with media willing to spread our news far and wide.

Fiona has been working on the PR side of our business – a priority item within our strategic plan – for close to a year now which has contributed hugely to awareness of strong wool and its many uses and benefits.

We’d love to hear how you found the session and what topics you’d like us to explore most.

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