About the Campaign for Wool

The Campaign for Wool aims to promote and educate the world about the wonders of wool fibre.

Initiated in 2010 by His Majesty King Charles III, when he was Prince of Wales , The Campaign for Wool (CFW) is a global endeavour raising awareness among consumers about the natural, renewable and biodegradable benefits offered by the fibre.

Encouraging collaboration between an international community of woolgrowers, major fashion designers, retailers, manufacturers, artisans and interior designers, the Campaign has been instrumental in educating consumers about the versatility of wool, and reconnecting them with its myriad of uses.

Visit CFW UK

New Zealand's campaign

In New Zealand, the Campaign for Wool New Zealand (CFWNZ) works tirelessly to increase the education and promotion of wool.  We endeavour to add value all the way through the supply chain to the farm gate.

We have developed a clear strategy outlining how we are going to do this, firstly in New Zealand, and then into global markets.

Read and download the strategy below.

Download our New Zealand strategy

Annual Report

Our annual reports is published in March and reports on the previous financial year, from 1 January to 31 December. For more information please  contact us.

Read and download the Annual Report below.

Download our Annual Report

Our core initiatives

Education - Wool in Schools, Wool Dynamics

Our mobile “Wool Sheds” travel the length of New Zealand teaching our children about the wonders of wool. Wool Dynamics is our tertiary education modular course for Architecture and Product Design students.

Wool in Schools

Live naturally, choose wool

Helping environmentally conscious people make more wool purchases, this multi-channel PR and advertising campaign is being run across print, television and digital channels throughout 2023.

See the Campaign

Deepen partnerships

Partnerships within the industry and commercial entities is critical. The CFWNZ is actively developing and nurturing relationships to create a more collaborative environment which benefits everyone.

Become a Partner

Insights and research

Supporting better decision making in the industry, our consumer and market research will be available to partners to enhance understanding of key markets and consumer perceptions across global markets.

Partner Portal

Wool in Architecture

Aimed at architects, interior designers, developers and politicians, this initiative will increase the use of strong wool applications in new and renovated buildings.

More information coming soon!

Meet our team

Ryan Cosgrove

Chair (Mons Royale)

Philippa Wright

Trustee (MNZM, Wright Wool)

Craig Smith

Trustee (Devold of Norway)

Sandra Faulkner

Trustee (Grower)

Rick Powdrell

Trustee (Grower)

Mark Hunter

Trustee (Wool Connextions)

Kara Biggs

General Manager

Jo McKenzie

Campaign Coordinator & Wool in Schools Manager

Leon Collier

Board Secretary and Accountant (Gardiner Knobloch)

Want to get in touch with one of our team?   You can email or call using the link below.

Contact us

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