Devold donates 500 baby blankets to prem babies trust

April 19, 2023

Campaign for Wool Supporters, Devold New Zealand are doing huge things for little people.  Campaign for Wool New Zealand Trustee and General Manager of Devold, Craig Smith shares more about the this special gift below.  

Article by Annette Scott, Farmers Weekly.

Merino is a natural fibre, so it lets their skin breathe unlike polar fleece, and they won’t overheat and risk a chill.

New Zealand-grown Merino wool is proving a lifesaver for premature babies and their families through a partnership between specialist wool business Devold NZ and the Little Miracles Trust.

The trust is a not-for-profit that provides support for whānau who are going through a neonatal intensive care experience with their babies.

“The properties of wool are magical for premature babies,” Little Miracles Trust chief executive Rachel Friend said.

“Natural fibres and in particular Merino wool are best to keep them warm when they have so little fat.”

Friend approached premium Merino outdoor brand Devold for assistance in securing woollen blankets after a chance meeting at a recent Merino wool conference.

Devold NZ has since donated 500 Merino blankets to the trust.

Friend said Devold’s donation has the potential to be a game-changer for babies and their whānau, both to give the little ones access to the best materials early on in life, as well as to promote Merino over fabrics such as polar fleece, which can be harmful….

Read the full article HERE 

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