Jamie Mackay, The Country talks to CFWNZ about Sam Neill

May 1, 2024

The Campaign for Wool NZ’s GM, Kara Biggs, welcomes Sam Neill on board as an ambassador. But what can the iconic NZ actor do to improve the fate of strong wool?

New Zealand actor Sir Sam Neill has joined the Campaign for Wool NZ (CFWNZ) as an Ambassador, lending his name and considerable profile to educate and advocate for the super fibre that is New Zealand strong wool.

Sam, a fourth generation New Zealander, is one of our country’s most highly regarded actors, having worked across the globe in film and television. He’s won countless awards for his decades-long career, starred in over 150 films, documentaries, and television shows and was knighted in 2022.

But behind the scenes, Sam is also an enthusiastic wool advocate. He shares his farm in the Central Otago region with sheep, cattle, pigs, ducks, chickens and, of course, grapevines (his wine brand, TWO PADDOCKS, crafts premium organic Pinot Noir).

Listen to the interview HERE



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