Why Wear Wool?

October 3, 2022

It’s not just for hunters and farmers.
Wool is a natural and breathable fibre that works beautifully within a range of clothing contexts.

A recent call-out for wool apparel stories on the Campaign for Wool Facebook page saw us treated to several examples of organisations who see wool as the ideal choice for corporate clothing or uniform.

Lots of schools here in New Zealand offer an optional wool or merino jumper, but we also heard from people in service industries loving their woollen socks and beanies, and even a financial consultancy company opting for woollen jackets when out at trade shows and on client visits.

NZ Knit Co is one company that has been designing and manufacturing knitwear here for over 30 years, using a combination of modern machinery and old-fashioned values of quality and service to produce a range of school and corporate knitwear, as well as possum merino garments.

They say their selections of natural fibres, alongside values of minimising wastage, recycling, and good and fair working conditions are all factors in their success and longevity.
“We manufacture a range of jerseys, cardigans, scarves and socks,” says Troy Woods from NZ Knit Co. “Our garments are modern and warm, and we use technology that ensures our woollen school jerseys and socks are comfortable for students to wear. They no longer need to be itchy and are breathable, requiring less washing. They look smart and last a long time – good for the environment and parents’ budgets!”

Troy says his company chooses to manufacture in New Zealand for several reasons. “We have a family-run mill in Auckland, and being locally produced means we can oversee quality, processes and workmanship as well as support our local area with great jobs.”

Why wool? “It’s the obvious choice. It’s a renewable resource that has been proven to perform over centuries of use and with modern technology now available, garments and accessories are more comfortable and better performing. The long tradition of farming wool in New Zealand is something we should be proud of.”

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